I think everybody kind of goes nuts when stuff like that happens. But it was compounded when I got Roseanne. JG: I think I'm finally learning now to just accept being given what I was given. SR: It's hard to tolerate your own clumsiness, your own failure. I'd start getting bombed after the third hole and I couldn't hit anything, but I'd still enjoy the ride - and the cart girl. Writing is probably the only hobby I have. The other problem is I don't trust myself enough. But in figuring out why I do that, maybe I'll make myself a better person. Sometimes I overtinker, which is something wrong with my brain chemistry. JG: You keep tinkering with the machine and make it better. It consists of trusting yourself to know that you will. SR: I think for people who take it seriously, mastery never consists of getting it right immediately. I had very good teachers, but it seems like I start every job over, like I'm trying to reinvent the wheel every time. And it's still what keeps me going, because I'll never quite get there, you know? I kind of realized early on that the real joy was in the work, that the other stuff was bullshit. Because the goal has always been just to tell the truth, to make the acting not stand out, to smooth the rivets off of the plane. That's something I work on - to make it less difficult. And Robert Downey Jr., who I think works very hard, never makes it sound like it's hard. SR: I've heard Sean Penn talk about how difficult it is to act well. Who the hell do you think you are? And I don't know where that came from, beating the shit out of myself all the time. If there wasn't, I'd just run my ass down. There's a lot to be said for doing a good journeyman's body of work.

I'm happy I wasn't picked last to play skins. JG: I may never be able to accept that, but I'm happy about the cats that I've suited up with. SR: That's edging close to feeling proud of the body of work. And I'm proud of the people I've been able to work with. But I'm prouder of just showing up and suiting up and banging out the thunder every day. SR: Do you think of your films as one body of work? I got to stand next to the fabulous Penélope Cruz for a little while. And I got to work with Jeff Bridges again. There were a lot of walkouts, but who cares? It was kind of an absurdist, futurist piece. The film got a god-awful reception at Sundance.

When the cats had downtime, they'd go somewhere and play together. It's such a strange movie, and it has so many moving parts.
John goodman barton fink movie#
SR: I'm probably one of the few people who's seen Masked and Anonymous, the movie you were in with Dylan, half a dozen times. JG: Right on the cusp of Dylan's big explosion. So it's set in Greenwich Village in the '60s? SR: I've heard the film is based on folk singer Dave Van Ronk's life. It's like hanging around with high school guys or something. Boy, it's great to be back with them again. I haven't worked with them since O Brother, Where Art Thou? - 15 years. I'm playing a junkie jazz musician for Joel and Ethan Coen. But lately I haven't wanted to turn the projects down. I'm going to Atlanta to do a baseball movie. SR: Have you been living out of a suitcase? JG: At a meeting a couple of weeks ago, someone grabbed me and said, "Who are you?" SR: One of the odd things about liking your work for so many years is that I have a sense of ownership. I'm going to keep it and then lose it in the summertime.

But the goatee didn't cut it, so they shaved it off and made a fake one. Then I grew the goatee back because Joel and Ethan Coen wanted it. Then I trimmed it down to almost a pencil-thin for a London industrialist. JG: Bill Murray had a line a long time ago about wearing a mustache: "I look like a Denver cop." I was a cocaine dealer last fall, and I had a goatee mustache. SR: I'm worried about the mustache, I gotta tell you. But I don't want to whine about anything. JG: Are you going to give me a fashion ticket for wearing a winter jacket? It's starting to get to me, being on the road. SR: I'm going to have the Delmaestro salad. Anchovies have stuff called purines in them that trigger an attack. JG: I have a healthy fear of gout, but I haven't had any episodes. WAITER: Would you like some anchovies on top of your Caesar? JOHN GOODMAN: Somehow it doesn't faze me. SCOTT RAAB: The mayor made them put the calories on the menu. Late lunch at Palm Too restaurant, midtown Manhattan.